- Published in News Archives
Jason's Story

Jason was born and raised in the Walla Walla Valley, but his childhood home was not a healthy environment. Drug use was common, and his mom and stepfather both spent time in prison. During that time, Jason moved in with another family, but the trauma stayed with him.
“I never graduated from high school and started a family when I was 19 – first a son, then a daughter. Life was good for a while. Then after an operation I was introduced to pain pills. My addiction escalated from there, and I lost my family.”
Without his wife and children, Jason’s mental health suffered. Eventually, his addiction led him to fentanyl, which resulted in him losing his job and becoming homeless.
Jason knew he needed to change his life – but withdrawing from the drugs was more difficult than he expected. “I couldn’t sleep. I was going crazy and couldn’t get off the couch. I thought I was going to die.”
Desperate for a safe place to get sober and turn his life around, he came to the Christian Aid Center. “I immediately felt a level of comfort here. Somehow, I knew I would be okay.”
“The CAC got me through the process of overcoming my addiction.”
Through our recovery program, Jason began to heal physically and mentally. He also learned how to build healthy relationships with his peers. Now, he’s attending Walla Walla Community College to earn his high school diploma and a certification in welding. His academic success is bolstering his confidence! Our staff all agree that Jason is a hard worker who has a bright future ahead of him.
“I used to be uncomfortable around other men. I’d always been kinda standoffish and shy,” Jason says. “But since coming to the CAC, it’s been easier to talk to people. I’ve grown in that way too.”
This Christmas, Jason is experiencing all the joy this season has to offer – because YOU believed in the power of a fresh start and the promise of God’s unending love. “I’m thankful to the CAC for opening my eyes to the need for recovery.”