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How to Have a Successful Volunteer Experience

  1. Volunteers must complete a volunteer application and sign a waiver of confidentiality and liability before beginning.
  2. Please arrive promptly as scheduled. The position you fill is very important to the operation of our mission. Your faithful commitment means we can count on you to accomplish the work that has been specifically set aside for you. If something comes-up and you cannot make it, please give us a call as soon as possible.
  3. When you arrive, please sign-in on the volunteer sign-in log for the day and time you are volunteering. This helps the CAC track our volunteer hours and provides you documentation of your service. (This information is very useful when CAC applies for a grant or for other fundraising efforts.)
  4. Always wear a CAC issued volunteer ID badge and lanyard.
  5. You will be assigned a specific staff supervisor. Please do not change or add to your role without prior approval.
  6. Alcohol and drugs are not allowed on the premises.
  7. Please be wise when interacting with the people we serve. There are some people who are adept at using individuals to get what they want. Here are some helpful guidelines we expect you to follow:
  • Please get clearance from the department director before inviting a guest to your home or to any outside function.
  • Always wear modest and appropriate clothing. Women should not wear short shorts, skirts, shirts, or any clothing that would be revealing or attract attention. Do not wear clothing that promotes alcohol, drugs or is gothic in nature.
  • Do not give money or gifts to anyone! If a guest has a material need, please refer them to the CAC staff, We have access to just about anything a person might need.
  • Do not share personal details such as email or home address and phone numbers with guests. If you wish to hire a guest for a job, please check with the volunteer coordinator.
  • Please represent the CAC and our guests in a grace-filled manner. Do not share information or take photos or videos of our guests without approval from a staff supervisor.

Please report any inappropriate behavior or anything that makes you feel uncomfortable to your supervisor or the volunteer coordinator.

Thank you for choosing to serve as a faithful partner in this ministry. If you have any questions or concerns about these guidelines, please contact us or call 509-525-7153.


OUR MISSION at the Christian Aid Center is to serve Jesus Christ by providing restoration and compassionate love to those in need.  |  Learn More About Us